
Aloe Ferox Research

Aloe Ferox is among only few in the Aloe species to have demonstrated commercial importance. The medicinal purposes of aloe date back as far as 2100 BC, as a beauty and health regimen of Egyptian queens, greek physicians, and even Alexander the Great.

Generally, Aloe gel has demonstrated anti-inflammatory, wound healing, anti-tumor, antiviral, antimicrobial, and anti-diabetic activity, to name a few.

Aloe Ferox demonstrates it’s own specific healing activities as documented through findings of the following studies on the supplement:


Hanley, 1982 - Aloe Ferox gel decreased inflammation and inhibited immune response

Davis, 1985 - When applied topically, Aloe Ferox reduced inflammation and subsequent arthritis

Wound Healing

Davis, 1989 - Aloe Ferox was found to show rapid granulation and increased oxygen in wounds as a result of increased blood flow. It also healed wounds more rapidly, reduced wound diameter and seemed to reduce scarring

Heggers, 1993 - Specifically analyzing burns, Aloe Ferox relieved pain, reduced inflammation and increased blood supply

Heggers, 1996 - Aloe Ferox expedites wound contraction and enhanced wound breaking strength

Immune Modulation

Zhang, 1996 - Acemannan, a polysaccharide within aloe ferox stimulated macrophage cytokine production and killer T cells

Strickland, 2001 - Aloe ferox gel prevented systemic suppression of T cell mediated immune response


Davis, 1989 - Aloe Ferox increased oxygen supply as a result of increased blood flow

Thompson, 1991 - Aloe Ferox stimulates fibroblast activity and collagen proliferation essential for skin tissue regeneration

For other healing properties provided by Aloe Ferox visit:

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