
IBS School Survival Guide

Here are some survival tips if you are headed back to school and worried about your IBS! 

The most important thing, is to be prepared. Being prepared will lessen your stress, which in return will lessen your IBS. 

Watch what you eat.

You know your body and what is best for you and your IBS.

  • Pack the right lunch & snacks 
  • Avoid caffeine 
  • Stay hydrated 
  • Take a probiotic 

Find ways to relax and lessen your stress level. 

Find time in study hall or in between classes to reduce your stress. You can do this through: 

  • Mediation 
  • Deep Breathing
  • Relaxing imagery
  • Listening to your favorite music

Talk to a School Counselor.

Make an appointment and let them know. There are perks to opening up! 

  • It will ease your stress and provide you a support system 

Get a 504 Plan.

A 504 Plan legal protection comes to you from Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973

  • IBS is a qualifying condition for protection under this act
  • This gains you special access to restrooms, modified class schedules, and even modified school assignments

Don’t try to be perfect, be you! 

Putting too much stress on yourself will only make things worse. Slow down, take a deep breath and know your limits! 


For more tips on how to manage your IBS click here.

Our Aloe Ferox Whole Leaf caps provide natural irritable bowel relief. To learn more, click here.

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